Tuesday, January 15, 2008

the delay

Well, I got up at 6:48 am like I'm supposed to. I got dressed, ate my breakfast, studied for my government test, and walked out the door with the fam to go to school. We get there and the parking lot is almost entirely deserted. Turns out I had an hour delay. (Why? I'm not really sure... maybe because of the cold? It's about seventeen degrees out... not a lot of snow on the ground, though.)

So here I am, doing a few little things here and there to pass the time because I don't have time to go back to sleep before I have to leave. Unexpected delays... they're really something.

But I have enjoyed my time here. I got to read my engage the journey passages (we're in Job... read chapters 35-37 today. Great book, really. It's amazing what you can learn when you just read. Simply amazing.), watch a video, check my facebook and e-mail.... all that good stuff.

And now I listen to Bethany Dillon, my favorite artist. I've missed listening to her... my family will only let me listen to her CDs for so long without complaining, you see. I just don't get fed up with really good music, but I guess they do. So I humor them. Sometimes. *wink* The completely awesome thing is this-- February 8th I get to see Beth live again. That's the day before my birthday, so I'm super excited. It will also be concert number 10. Doubly exciting. I can't wait. I can, however, order the tickets... I need to do that.

I'm seriously considering going to Brazil this summer. My youth group is taking 15 students to Brazil for about 10 days in June. I've never been out of the country before (well, to Canada when I was about 5 years old, but I don't really remember it...) and I've never been on an airplane. So it'd be a big deal if I were to go. The more I think about it, the more I want to go. I'm a little nervous about it, yes, but... I don't know. It's like God's been preparing me for this for awhile now. And so I may just have to move, first to the meeting on Sunday. Then to the next stage and the next until I find myself being blessed by helping missionaries in Brazil. [I will admit, though, that I was bummed when the internet reminded me that they speak Portuguese in Brazil and not Spanish. I was practicing my Spanish... saying things like 'can I take a picture of you?' and such. Ah well, it's one of three languages fairly widely spoken there, so maybe I'll get to use what I've learned the past 3 years after all. =P]

Ok... I'm off to school now! Have a good day, one and all.

Monday, January 7, 2008

BFS Updates

I thought I'd take this time, the end of week one of 2008 approaching quickly... to update my blog with my big, fun scary year updates. I need to remind myself of what I'm supposed to be working on [and anyone who may be reading this... I might need a push now and again!]

The Big...

I've been keeping up with Engage the Journey and it's such a blessing to me! Reading what everyone is gathering from the text each day is incredibly helpful and causes me to think more about what I've read and how it applies to me. We're currently in Job, reading about a man who suffered so much and still remained faithful, and it's just amazing to see what could happen in my own life and how I can be better.

As far as getting my work displayed at Starbucks goes, I grabbed a card at my nearest place and am going to e-mail soon to see what I'll need to do to make that a reality. It's exciting and big, of course, so I'll keep you updated with what happens. =)

Walking my dog hasn't started yet... it's been so cold! But tomorrow it's supposed to be warm so I may just have to go for a little walk to start myself off on the right foot.

The Fun...

My sister and I keep talking about the South Carolina trip, which is great because I'm excited to do that. Since we have friends there, it'll be fairly reasonable for us to just go. So that'll be this summer sometime, if all goes well.

My blog has, obviously, been started and I feel like I'm doing fairly well with updates so far. As time goes on, the frequency of the updates may dwindle. But as long as it doesn't get too far down, we'll be good.

The next thing I want to do on the fun list is get my Bethany Dillon website up and running again. It drives me crazy that it's just sitting there! Unfortunately I've got some things that I really need to do first, but I'm hoping that I'll get some time this weekend to work on it and get the second half finished and talk to my co-web about helping me fix a few things that need tweaking. =)

The Scary...

I have been accepted to two schools so far-- the University of Evansville and Hallmark Institute of Photography. I need to call someone at the admissions office of Antonelli College because that's a real possibility for me at this point. The chances of me affording Hallmark are slim and I need to decide what I'm doing before it's too late to do what I really want to do. So if you would, pray for that. I need a clear decision made soon, so I'm hoping it'll just hit me like a ton of bricks soon. I feel like I may know... but it's barely there. I have to act if I'll be able to finally decide. Wish me luck... =)

I've been looking into area photographers to see about second shooting a wedding. There are a few that I may be able to ask, if nothing else. This goal may be harder to meet than some of my others, but what's the point if you don't have something to really reach for, right? =)

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Hibernation Day

Last night I said it. I told everyone in my family that I wasn't going to school today. Snow day, I said. I'll be honest... I only said it because I was desperately wanting one. But then I woke up this morning and found that it had snowed. And it had snowed enough to cancel school.

And for that, I am thankful. I got a wonderful hibernation day. A day to sit inside, relax, finish the papers I was meaning to do last night for school... all the things that I needed just a little more time for. Mmm.

Enjoy your day, whether you be hibernating or not.

Hibernation Day
[Jars of Clay]

I don't want to get out of bed
You don't want to go out in the snow
We don't have to do the things Eskimos do
Let's have a hibernation day, me and you

The snow is climbing up the door
(so much higher than before)

The weatherman is sure there will be more
(I don't want to go out in the snow)
These blankets make a cozy little cave just for two
Let's have a hibernation day

I love the snap of winter air
and the snowflakes on my face
How the snowdrifts make the cars
Disappear without a trace
I'll take a day dressed in pajamas
in a room without a view

If I can spend the day curled up next to you,
next to you (next to you)

I don't want to get out of bed
You don't want to go out in the snow
(It's so cold outside)
Let's have a hibernation day
We don't have to go out in the snow
Let's have a hibernation day, me and you

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Engage: Rest.

Day one of Engage the Journey.
Genesis 1-3.

It impresses me, causes an awed smile to cross my face, to read that the Spirit of God was moving on the formless earth [Genesis 1:2]. There's just something about hearing that God is and was moving that touches me. I think it's the fact that I can see Him moving in my own life, then turn around and hear what He's doing in someone else's life as well. God was moving. God is moving.

After creating the world... the heavens and earth, light and darkness, sun and moon and stars, animals and humans, the ones made after Him... God rested. He finished a task and then He stopped and rested. I think that this is one thing that I struggle with... a lot. I'm a busy person, and I feel like I almost always am a busy person. But I hate to not do anything after doing everything. I get ideas that I want to run with and I start running. Then as I run, I spot something of interest. I decide to run more so I can do both. Then the projects and ideas and obligations and concerns pile up. I enjoy them, mostly, so I don't mind. But what about being still? With all the noise how am I to reflect? To evaluate clearly? I don't think I can without resting. Seeing that He rested- God, the Creator of all, rested- (and obviously wanted me to know He rested or it wouldn't have been recorded) well, that would mean it's okay for me to do that same, now wouldn't it? So amidst my busyness, my list of things to do and see and be... I have to remember to rest. To "be still and know" that He is God. Rest.

Bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh. [Gen. 2:23] I heard someone say once that those words weren't romantic... that they were very 'manly' and not something that a woman would hear and appreciate. I don't think that's true. It's like poetry... it's like saying 'You're a part of me. Heart of my heart. Spirit of my spirit.' And I think that is lovely.

Hiding from God is something that I think most of us can understand if we think about it. I mean, haven't we all done something that we've been ashamed of? Something that we don't want to acknowledge happened, but hide under some fig leaves and hope He didn't see? Of course it never works... He sees it all. And He loves us anyway. So why try to hide? I don't want to hide. Honesty has become something I value a lot... hiding isn't being honest. I guess you could say that to hide is to lie. So I want to try to break away from dressing in my fig leaves after I've sinned and know God wants to speak to me... I want to be like Him. And I have to willingly show Him what He already knows I am, give up my pride and my shame, and let His love and forgiveness wash over me. Cleansing. Renewal. No leaves. Just me and Him.

My Big, Fun, Scary Year...

I love NaNoWriMo... a lot. And the extra things that people there think to do make me smile. So I've decided to participate in "The Year of Doing Big, Fun, Scary Things Together" during 2008. All you do is make specific goals for yourself to meet during the year and work to meet them.

I'm going to chronicle my progress on this blog... so you'll be seeing everything from my thoughts for Engage the Journey, some photography, NaNo, school, and just my thoughts in general. Believe it or not, running this blog is something I can cross off of the list.

If you're participating, leave me a comment! I'd love to keep up with your blog as well, whether it has to do with the BFS year or not. =)

Here's my list, separated by how I view each goal.

-Read through the Bible chronologically via Engage the Journey.
-Get a job before/for the summer.
-Get my driver’s license before the summer.
-Have my photos/art work displayed at Starbucks via My Home Brew.
-Start setting up a website for my photography, complete with price lists, logo, portfolio, and blog so I can start booking gigs.
-Finish my Alias fanfiction, Goodnight, and find a way to get it to the people who were reading it on SD-1.
-Start walking my dog on a regular basis—good for him, good for me.

-Get some good photos from concerts to go in my portfolio, at least one of the concerts at the Underground.
-Have a photoshoot somewhere that’s unique for me, like in another state or area that I’m unfamiliar with.
-Visit a friends in South Carolina this summer.
-Get and keep my Bethany Dillon website up and running no matter what random computer troubles occur.
-Get my personal blog together and running.
-Start rewriting my NaNo from this year and keep editing the one from ’05.
-Participate and win NaNoWriMo ’08, no matter what my schedule looks like.

-Decide which college/school I’m going to in the fall and get ready for my freshman year.
-Second shoot for an area wedding photographer at a wedding at least once.